On stage
275 kr + service

Fredrik Kronkvist Quartet feat. Kathrine Windfeld & Otero String Quartet

Jazz meets classical music when Fredrik Kronkvist's compositions are arranged for string quartet by Kathrine Windfeld.

With the new album ”Open Gates” in an international collaboration with some of jazz and classical music’s most exciting contemporary musicians, the versatile alto saxophonist Fredrik Kronkvist sets out on a nationwide tour with new material and a new exciting group consisting of three men and five women . Based on jazz’s innovative attitude, this unique collaboration opens the doors to new perspectives between jazz and classical music in a multifaceted depth where anything can happen with expected and unexpected roles in the music. Hear Fredrik Kronkvist’s compositions arranged for string quartet by award-winning arranger and pianist Kathrine Windfeld from Copenhagen, performed with the Otero String Quartet under the direction of cellist Natasha Otero from Cape Town and you will witness an unforgettable musical experience.

Promoter: Stockholm Jazz Festival

Fredrik Kronkvist – alto saxophone and soprano saxophone,
Kathrine Windfeld – piano,
Simon Petersson – bass,
Mauritz Gullbransson – drums,
with the Otero String Quartet conducted by Natasha Otero - cello