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Flosason/Olding Quintet feat. Nils Janson

Contemporary and swinging, highly energetic jazz by an all-star Swedish-Icelandic quintet.

Sigurdur and Hans have a long musical past together, and have played and toured together around the Nordic countries for almost 15 years. They have recorded one album together, “Projeto Brasil!” with their own interpretations of Jobim/Nascimento etc.

Sigurdur Flosason is undoubtedly one of Iceland’s most well-known and active musicians with around thirty (!) albums under his own name. He has toured the world and collaborated with several of Scandinavia’s most prominent jazz musicians. Siggi is active as a composer, arranger and lyricist, and is also the current leader/conductor of the Reykjavik Big Band.

Hans Olding is one of Sweden’s most active jazz guitarists and has been playing with top Swedish and international names for the last 20+ years. He runs several projects of international character with musicians from all over the Nordic countries, France, Italy, etc. and has recorded several albums under his own name as leader/co-leader, in project he is often also working as a composer.

This special evening, they have invited Nils Janson, one of Sweden’s finest trumpet players who can be heard in the Stockholm Jazz Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Jazz Group, Klas Lindquist Nonet etc. as well as behind well-known Swedish artists such as Danny Saucedo, Tomas Rusiak, Mando Diao etc.

It is about newly written original music from Nils, Siggi and Hans, of the very best kind. Swinging, contemporary and with high energy. And it’s a good idea to hear what Nordic jazz is all about!

With kind support from the Swedish-Icelandic Cooperational Fund.

Nils Janson - trumpet,
Sigurdur Flosason - saxophone,
Hans Olding - guitar,
TBA - bass, TBA - drums