Stockholm Voices

With one foot firmly in jazz and the other in Nordic midsummer nights, Stockholm Voices offer world-class singing and swing.

A musical experience that will excite your senses and touch your heart – Stockholm Voices and their sensational band. With one foot in the jazz crowd and the other in the Nordic midsummer night, the singers offer world-class singing and swing.

On their latest album New Horizon (2023), the singers interpret the iconic melodies and lyrics of Paul McCartney with a fresh and innovative twist. Witness the chemistry and energy between the singers and the band, an experience that leaves the heart singing long after the last note has rung out. Meet a dynamic group that swings like a big band. Stockholm Voices – a vocal powerhouse.

Promoter: Jazzklubb Nordost

Gunilla Törnfeldt - soprano,
Maria Winther - alto,
Anton Forsberg - tenor,
Jakob Sollevi - baritone
Carl Bagge - piano,
Svante Söderqvist – double bass,
Calle Rasmusson – drums,
Klas Lindqvist – saxophone & clarinet