Blinda Tigern,
On stage
150kr + service

Doors open at 4pm, free seating.

Malmén / Hernqvist / Mogensen

Newly written jazz with three young, innovative musicians on the Swedish jazz scene.

A premiere at the Stockholm Jazz Festival for this new constellation! Newly written music with influences from nordic “visa” (trad folk singing) and modern jazz comes together with well-chosen jazz pearls and free improvisation and approaches the repertoire with sensitivity, playfulness and care, all form a powerful source. Despite their young age, the musicians are seen repeatedly on the Swedish jazz scene, in groups such as Vad Vi Vet, Post-Sun Vision, Ingrid Malmén, Mor Dansar, etc.

Promoter: Musikaliska Kvarteret

Ingrid Malmén - vocals,
Alice Hernqvist - piano,
Boel Mogensen - double bass