On stage
280/140 kr

Cosmic Wildlife

Album release wtih retrofuturistic jazz / electronica with a moderate dose of ambient.

Cosmic Wildlife is a new and unique addition to the Swedish jazz scene. The Gothenburg-based quartet offers a cocktail of astral jazz, electronica and ambient, with room for both messy improvisations and careful compositions. Their experimental debut vinyl How to explores a sound on the border between acoustic and electronic, inspired by nostalgic synths, soundscapes and wobbly cassettes.

Cosmic Wildlife’s members have previously been heard and seen in bands such as Klabbes Bank, Vilhelm Bromander Unfolding Orchestra, Svenska Folkjazzkvartetten, and others.

Promoter: Källarbyn

Pontus Hedström - saxophone, bass clarinet,
Karl Magnús Andersson - synth,
Anton Jonsson - drums,
Elias Hällqvist - bass/electronics