Clara Schumann,
On stage
150kr + service

Doors open 1h before concert, free seating sitting/standing concert.


Album release for the trio's second album focuses on improvisation and explores the meeting between self-written, baroque and free jazz.

Clarinet/saxophone, drums and cello combined opens up for loose contours and rapid changes in tempo and dynamics. All three contribute with their own compositions that link to slightly different musical traditions. As on the debut album, Bach gets to play a part, but Händel is also interpreted and shimmering sounds will emerge. The trio is once again visited by Anton Svanberg, but this time he plays the church organ, who have contributed with both a strong underpart and an improvisational element to the album. The music was recorded in the summer of 2021 in Hamburgsund’s church and it is now finally time to hear it live in Clara Schumann, the old organ (!) room at Musikaliska Kvarteret.

Emma Augustsson - cello,
Pelle Westlin - saxophone, clarinet,
Dennis Egberth - drums