Blinda Tigern,
On stage
150kr + service

Doors open at 5:30pm. You can also buy tickets in the entrance. Free seating in the concert venue.

Ilaria Capalbo CHIMÆRA

Bassist and composer Ilaria Capalbo presents brand new music.

Composed for an hand-picked ensemble of musicians coming together from the world of classical music, jazz and pop. Chimæra is the result of a feverish dream, the music composed in times of great life changes.

A stable presence on the European scene, Ilaria Capalbo has earned her stripes as a musician who moves within many genres. Aside from leading her own bands she is a stable component of Fredrik Nordström’s DOLORES, Samuel Hällkvist’s international quintet, Mats Bergström’s trio, duo with Loke Risberg, Amanda Ginsburg & Lovisa Jennervall’s Blossom Dearest, Italian trio KÓSMOS, electro-noise trio Hästera among others.

She has composed on commission for Swedish contemporary dance company Cullberg and has released the critically acclaimed album Karthago in her own name.

On October 13 the new music, specially written for this sextet, will be performed live for the first time at Stockholm Jazzfestival. Chimæra is one and three creatures in the same body. The music reflects this multitude, a dense stream of consciousness in sound.

Ilaria Capalbo’s jazz expertise, classical roots and the love for melodies that are full of longing can all be heard throughout this work. The music dares the listener to embark on a journey through this mysterious world: a place where fantastic, fearless and wild creatures live.

Event in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Stoccolma

Promoters: Musikaliska Kvarteret & Italienska Kulturinstitutet

Ilaria Capalbo - bass, cello, synth,
Alva Press - violin,
Sigge Nisbeth - viola,
Alex Zethson - piano, clavinet,
Simona Severini - vocals, guitar,
Henrik Jäderberg - drums