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Erik Tengholm

One of Sweden's most prominent young jazz musicians is coming to Fasching with his quintet. "Fresh and airy music. Filled with forward-leaning cheerfulness and an ounce of audacity", is how Orkesterjournalen described Tengholm's debut album, which was released in 2021.

In recent years, he has played with many of the leading musicians in Sweden, toured the world, led his own bands and orchestras, received a number of awards and released two albums under his own name, both of which were praised by the jazz press. Tengholm has a great passion for composition and arrangement and was appointed this year as the new artistic director of the Uppsala University Jazz Orchestra. For this evening at Bar Brahe, he has gathered some of his favorite musicians, as well as some of the best jazz musicians Sweden has to offer: multi-instrumentalist Martin Sjöstedt, double bassist Jon Henriksson and drummer Adam Ross.

Erik Tengholm - trumpet,
Martin Sjöstedt - piano,
Jon Henriksson - double bass,
Adam Ross - drums