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240 kr

Ebba Åsman

Ebba Åsman's musical world contains a blend of alternative r'n'b, hiphop and jazz together with her melancholic trombone and vocal melodies.

The Grammy-nominated jazz trombonist, songwriter and producer Ebba Åsman has toured the world with jazz and funk bands as well as pop and rap artists. During her career, she has visited everything from sweaty basement rooms to the most renowned concert halls in Europe, including the concert hall in Berlin, Ronnie Scott’s jazz club in London and the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam. Last year she released her second album Be Free, which is a cross-fertilization of jazz and hip-hop – but for herself genre designations are more or less uninteresting. Instead, it is about, as the title also suggests, being allowed to be free in one’s creation and not being limited by either one’s own or others’ perceptions of what jazz music should be. “This album took shape when I felt that I wanted to distance myself from the distractions, expectations and demands of the outside world. When I turned inward, I got closer to my own ideas, my intuition and what I wanted to convey. In a world where the pace is fast and society’s boxes are tight, it can be difficult to feel that you are free. Freeing oneself from that feeling is what I tried to achieve with Be Free, says Ebba herself about the album. ”What catches you is that the music is at an intersection between several musical worlds. Jazz meets modern soul and hip-hop. Atmosphere that meets the earthy. Åsman has created her own well-planned musical intersection.” wrote Lira magazine in its laudatory review.

Promoter: Musikaliska Kvarteret

Ebba Åsman - trombone, vocals,
Anna-Greta Sigurdardottir - keys, synths,
Tomas Sjödell - electric bass,
Sebastian Ågren - drums